Here are my three boy hopefuls, Malcolm (top), Morris (right), and Snicket (left)
Morris and Malcolm have won BPIB and BPIS so are automatically Crufts Qualified... little Snicket will have to wait until after Crufts (and for his ears to come up) before he goes out.
Last weekend I was thrilled when three of my puppies did very well at The Northern and Eastern Counties Papillon Club Champ Show. Malcolm and Reggie, at their first show achieved 1st and 2nd in Minor Puppy Dog under Judge David Roe (Sunshoo).. and Poppy gained a first in Minor Puppy Bitch under Bubbles Wood Davies (Claretta).
This put Malcolm and Poppy in competition with the Puppy Dog and Bitch winners, and they both rose to the occasion and achieved BPD and BPB. In the Puppy Challenge it was Malcolm who achieved Best Puppy In Show.
Thanks for visiting my blog.... I dont know how busy it will be :-) ... so if it hasn't been updated for a while you could find out a little more about us by visiting our website.
3 years later............
Last posted on the blog over 3 years ago and what a different world it is
now at Abbeyton.
Living a quiet life with Jim and our four Phalenes. Indy who is...
I'm Back!
Top.( left) Mo: ( right) Swallow.
Bottom (left) Maisie: (right) Jess.
I've had another addition to my four legged family since I last posted over
a year ...
Total wipeout
Yes, I'm still in the land of the living, although recent events almost had
me doubting that fact.
Whilst I was having computer hassles, it seems my human ...
Fie Nearly all grown up
I haven't been on line for quite some time it was a busy time with the
pups, three have gone to really nice homes i wanted to keep them all but it
just wa...
My beloved Tip
Tip was the most fantastic girl, a border collie, as a prize for winning in
trials we had our photo taken, as you can see Tip still is muddy, they gave